Pulitzer Prize Winner / New York Times Bestseller / Keynote Speaker

Jeffrey Marx

Wendy Marx keeps inspiring me. 
This book definitely deserves a gold medal.

Doctors were saying that 22-year-old Wendy Marx, still and silent in a coma, had just one day to live. For Wendy to survive, the right person had to die. Her story quickly became national news.

Then, against all odds, came the Gift of Life: an organ donor and a liver transplant. Her struggles were by no means over. But Wendy was determined to parlay her near-death experiences into a message of hope for others – and that is how her name became synonymous with the vital campaign for organ donors.

It Gets Dark Sometimes – written by Wendy's brother Jeffrey and published in 2000 – is a book about heroes, about the love of family and friends, about the power and beauty of the human spirit. It should be read by anyone with a sister or a brother, a daughter or a son.

It Gets Dark Sometimes

WKYT book tour interview